Motion detector with visual and audible alarm
Electronic circuit
controller led motion detector P-Mos Transistor
Bernd D.
Here is the related video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ed4TzHbR4PY
Basically, this small circuit consists of the PIR motion detector brick (ALL-BRICK-0372) which is connected to a P-MOS power transistor. The P-MOS uses positively charged power providers to conduct electric current through the channel. When the motion detector controls the power provider it transfers the voltage to the LED bricks. These LED bricks are internally connected in such a way that the enclosed voltage is being transferred to the subsequent bricks.
At the end of the LED bricks there is a transducer that is also called “buzzer” and that is designed to make a loud sound.
The circuit is supplied with a 9V power supply.
With the help of three small controllers that regulate sensitivity, light and length of alarm the motion detector brick can be easily adapted to local conditions.